Home Health Care Services in Missouri

4 convenient locations
About Us

Home Health Care Services in Missouri

4 convenient locations 
About Us
Here at Deer Valley Home Health Services, we are dedicated to providing a wide variety of high quality, home health care services to the people of the Greater St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri areas. Whether it's you or your loved one who need compassionate help at home, we're ready to help you.

Familiar Surroundings

When your loved one is able to be treated within familiar surroundings and within their own community, they will feel more at ease. This can sometimes mean that certain medical treatments they receive will be more effective. It can also have a profound effect on their mental health.  Elderly people who are cared for in their own homes rather than in long-term care facilities tend to be happier and live longer, more fulfilling lives.

 A Good Alternative to a Facility

When your loved ones are unable to care for themselves, sometimes the best option is to put them in a long-term care facility.  However, here at Deer Valley Home Health Services, we can offer a much better alternative.  Your loved one will be cared for in their own home, which provides them with much more comfort and familiarity. This can make a significant difference in their quality of life. 

Our Mission

Deer Valley Home Health is committed to providing a broad spectrum of quality home health care services to meet the needs of the Greater St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri Metropolitan areas.  We strive to remain professional as well as provide a compassionate experience to those we serve.

Attentive and Flexible

We appreciate that each and every one of our clients has their own needs and personalities. We pride ourselves in tailoring our services specifically for each of our clients. We also take pride in our attentiveness - our clients receive our undivided attention. When your loved ones are under our care, we hope they’ll feel like we’re an extension of their family.

When you need compassionate help at home, we're 
ready to help you.

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